revision 7: the main page is now a lot more colorful :rainbow:
<style> span.treehouse/changelog:liquidex-brand-color { display: inline-block; width: 0.8em; height: 0.8em; border-radius: 100000px;
margin: 0px 2px;
&.red { background-color: var(–liquidex-brand-red); } &.yellow { background-color: var(–liquidex-brand-yellow); } &.green { background-color: var(–liquidex-brand-green); } &.blue { background-color: var(–liquidex-brand-blue); } } </style> each major content category now has an icon and a liquidex brand color™ <span class=”treehouse/changelog:liquidex-brand-color red”></span><span class=”treehouse/changelog:liquidex-brand-color yellow”></span><span class=”treehouse/changelog:liquidex-brand-color green”></span><span class=”treehouse/changelog:liquidex-brand-color blue”></span> assigned to it
revision 2: just really comfy UX
first thing you probably noticed: added indent guides (may require a modern browser due to usage of
endpoint is now used for shorter links. it also generates OpenGraph metadata so that Your Favorite Messaging Platform can display the linked branch’s contentinternals: branches are now based on flexboxes rather than background images. this requires sending a bit more HTML, but the layout is a lot more stable as well as being easier to extend